STAT3-IN-1 : Reproduction accuracy of articulator mounting with an arbitrary face-bow vs. average values—a controlled, randomized, blinded patient simulator study

Sonidegib : Sonidegib: First Global Approval

Mirin : Formation of ethyl ferulate by rice koji enzyme in sake and mirin mash conditions

CA-074 methyl ester : Fluid Shear-Induced Activation and Cleavage of CD18 During Pseudopod Retraction by Human Neutrophils

Avelumab : Immunotherapy and urothelial carcinoma: An overview and future prospectives

PS-1145 : IKK antagonizes activation-induced cell death of CD4+ T cells in aged mice via inhibition of JNK activation

A2ti-2: The Pathogenic A2V Mutant Exhibits Distinct Aggregation Kinetics, Metal Site Structure, and Metal Exchange of the Cu2+- Aβ Complex

Seladelpar: The Selective Peroxisome Proliferator– Activated Receptor-Delta Agonist Seladelpar Reverses Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Pathology by Abrogating Lipotoxicity in Diabetic Obese Mice