Formation of ethyl ferulate by rice koji enzyme in sake and mirin mash conditions
Katsumi Hashizume,* Toshihiko Ito, Takahiro Ishizuka, and Naoki Takeda
Department of Biological Resource Sciences, Akita Prefectural University, Nakano Shimoshinjyo, Akita 010-0195, Japan
Received 25 December 2012; accepted 26 February 2013
Available online 15 April 2013
Formation mechanism of ethyl ferulate (EF) in sake and mirin mash conditions was investigated to understand EF level control in the manufacturing process. Rice koji formed EF from ferulic acid (FA) and ethanol and decomposed EF to FA. This did not occur in sake yeast and chemical esterification was rare. Esterification of FA and hydrolysis of EF by rice koji might be due to feruloyl esterase(s). The rice koji enzyme showed normal MichaeliseMenten kinetics for FA in ethyl esterification and for EF in hydrolysis, but not for ethanol in the esterification reaction. Substrate specificity of the rice koji enzyme for hydroxycinnamic acids suggested that the main enzyme involved might be similar to type A feruloyl esterase. We studied the rice koji enzyme properties, short-term digestion of steamed rice grains with exogenous ethanol and small scale mirin making with pH adjustment. Our results suggested differences in the esterification and hydrolysis properties of the enzyme, in particular, different pH dependencies and different behaviors under high ethanol conditions; these factors might cause the differing EF levels in sake and mirin mashes.
Ethyl ferulate (EF) is known as a key flavor compound in a traditional Japanese cooking liquor, mirin. The heavy peanut-like flavors of EF and ethyl vanillate contribute to the profound sweet flavor of mirin (1). EF is a noteworthy compound, not only because of its flavor characteristics but also its antioxidant (2,3) and func- tional properties (4,5), which are comparable to FA, a well-known potent antioxidant in sake (6,7). A recent taste dilution analysis found EF to be a potent and favorable tasting compound in char- coal-untreated sake (8) and ferulic acid (FA) was found to be an unfavorable tasting compound. Hydrophobic compounds are often removed from sake by charcoal treatment during the manufacturing process (8,9). In contrast, some sake products, such as daiginjo, have been commercialized without charcoal treatment to prevent loss of favorable taste harmonies. The importance of favorable hydrophobic taste compounds has been increasing. The finding that EF, a key flavor compound in mirin, might be an active taste compound in sake led us to analyze the levels of EF in sake and mirin. We found that some sake, including charcoal untreated, contained EF at higher levels than in mirin, and the level of EF in several sake exceeded a threshold value (Hashizume, K., Ito, T., Shimohashi, M., Ishizuka, T., and Okuda, M., unpublished data).
Okamura et al. developed a technology to enrich the flavor of mirin or sake, using an enzyme obtained from fungi to hydrolyze the hydroxycinnamic acid ester of the ingredient rice and increase the levels of FA and vanillin (Okamura, S., Endo, Y., Shimazu, Y., and Harada, M., Japanese patent application 1995-59534, 1995, Harada, M., Okamura, S., Saigusa, T., Endo, Y., and Shimazu, Y., Japanese patent application 1996-89230, 1996). They speculated that the abundant FA reacted non-enzymatically with ethanol in mirin or sake mash, producing high levels of EF. Morita speculated the EF in mirin mash was also produced by this mechanism (1).
In order to effectively control levels of EF in mirin or sake during the manufacturing process, precise knowledge about the formation of EF in mash is indispensable. We investigated the mechanism, while considering the manufacturing process of sake and mirin, in which use of rice koji is common and alcoholic fermentation occurs in the sake mash but not in the mirin mash.
Materials All hydroxycinnamic acids and ethyl 4-hydroxy-3-methox- ycinnamate (EF) were obtained from Wako Pure Chemical Industries (Osaka, Japan). Sake sample was purchased from a local market. Analysis of hydroxycinnamic acid Hydroxycinnamic acid and its esters were identified by an Exactive mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany) and RP-HPLC. Authentic esters, except EF, were synthesized using concentrated sulfuric acid [0.05% (v/v)] in an alcoholic solution of hydroxycinnamic acid (40e80 mM) and kept at 60◦C for 1 h. The esters were then separated using RP- HPLC and their retention times were confirmed. Mass spectrometry was used to analyze their characteristic m/z signals: methyl p-coumarate; 177.055, methyl caffeate; 193.050, methyl ferulate; 207.066, methyl sinapinate; 237.077, ethyl p- coumarate; 191.071, ethyl caffeate; 207.066, ethyl ferulate; 221.082, ethyl sinapinate; 251.092, n-propyl ferulate; 235.098, and i-propyl ferulate; 235.098. Hydroxycinnamic acid and the esters were quantified using RP-HPLC: 20e100 mL of sample was loaded onto a Capcell Pak C18 column (150 × 4.6 mm i.d., MG 5 mm type) and absorption was monitored at 320 nm. Solvent A was 0.1% phosphoric acid/water and solvent B was acetonitrile. A linear gradient was applied: A:B at 80:20 to A:B at 55:45 for 30 min, and then A:B at 80:20 for 5 min, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. Calibration curves for FA and EF were constructed using a 15% ethanol solution, and the curve for EF was applied to all other hydroxycinnamic acid esters.
Heat treatment of sake with FA or EF The ethanol content and pH of the sake samples were 14% (v/v) and 4.1, respectively, and they contained either FA (10 mg/L) or EF (2 mg/L) which was added to the sample in a glass vial with a PTFE cap seal. After heat treatment at 70◦C for 24 h, FA and EF in the sample were quantified.
Detection of EF formation and decomposition in sake yeast and rice koji Sake yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was cultivated in a koji extract me- dium at 30◦C for 4 days without shaking; cells were harvested by centrifugation and washed twice with 9.5% aqueous ethanol solution before use. Rice koji was prepared by a common process for sake brewing using Aspergillus oryzae RIB 128 and steamed rice grains of 90% polished Akitakomachi or 60% polished Yamadanishiki. Sake yeast (approximately 60 mg/mL) or rice koji (approximately 200 mg/mL) were incubated with the substrate in a 100 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.0) at 30◦C for 4 h, with
shaking at 60 rpm. In the formation process, the concentration of FA was 4 mM and the concentration of ethanol was 169 mM (9.5%); 4 mM of EF was added in the decomposition process. After incubation, an equal volume of acetonitrile was added to stop the reaction. After centrifugation (7800 ×g for 10 min), an aliquot of the supernatant was applied to RP-HPLC.
Preparation of rice koji extract
Rice koji extract was prepared according to a previous method (10). NaCl [0.5% (w/v)] was added to the extract buffer. After dialysis, the extract was filtrated using a membrane filter (0.45 mm) and lyophilized by a vacuum freeze dryer. Protein concentration of the extract was measured using the Bradford method, and BSA as the standard (11).
Activity assay for esterification or hydrolysis The reaction mixture con- sisted of 4 mM substrate, 9.5% ethanol, and 100 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.0). The assay was started by an addition of enzyme. After incubation at 30◦C for 15 or 60 min, an equal volume of acetonitrile was added to the mixture. The reaction mixture was then centrifuged (7800 ×g for 10 min) and an aliquot of the superna- tant was applied to RP-HPLC. To analyze substrate specificity, 4 mM of hydroxycinnamic acids and 9.5% ethanol or 4 mM of hydroxycinnamic acids and 5% alcohol were employed. One unit of enzyme activity for esterification or hydrolysis was defined as the amount of enzyme required to form ethyl ferulate or ferulic acid, respectively, at the rate of 1 mmol min—1 at 30◦C.
Anion exchange chromatography The lyophilized rice koji extract was dissolved in 200 mL of water (protein concentration 5.2 mg/mL) and applied to a column: SynChropac AX300 250 × 4.6 mm (Eichrom Industries Inc., IL, USA). The HPLC conditions were as follows, solvent A: 10 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6.8) and solvent B: 1 M NaCl and 50 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6.8). Samples were held for 5 min using A:B at 100:0, and then eluted using a linear gradient of A:B at 100:0 to A:B at 0:100 for 45 min using a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The volume of one fraction was 1 mL.
Digestion test of steamed rice grains with ethanol Rice koji (2.5 g as raw material, 90% polished rice grains), steamed glutinous rice grains (12.75 g as raw material), 10 mL of 35% aqueous ethanol solution, 3 mL of water, and 5 mg of a commercial enzyme, Guluku SB (Amano Enzyme Co., Nagoya, Japan), for saccharification, were mixed and incubated at 30◦C. After incubation for 1 and 2 days, the pH
of mixture was adjusted twice by lactic acid. Samples were centrifuged (13,000 ×g for 10 min) on the third day to obtain the supernatant. The extract of the solution was calculated according to the reference (12).
Small scale mirin making Rice koji (45 g as raw material, 90% polished rice grains), steamed glutinous rice grains (255 g as raw material), 190 mL of 35% aqueous ethanol solution, and 30 mg of Guluku SB were mixed and incubated at 30◦C for 31 days. After five days, samples were divided into two: in sample 1, the pH was adjusted to 5.0 using lactic acid and in sample 2 the pH was not adjusted. FA and EF were analyzed during mash maturation. After 31 days, mirin was separated from the solid by centrifugation.
Effects of heat treatment on FA and FE in sake After heat treatment, FA decreased by 92 2% from the original amount, and EF formed by only 0.1 0.0% of the equivalent amount of added FA. Loss of FA may be mainly due to heat conversion via decarboxyl- ation, producing 4-vinylguaiacol, as reported in the shochu distil-koji showed distinct activity for formation of EF and decomposition of EF to FA (Table 1). The rate of decomposition was approximately 25 fold higher than the rate of formation. The activity of koji of 90% polished rice was about 1.5 fold higher than that of koji of 60% polished rice. It is well-known that fungi produce feruloyl esterases (14,15). Tenkanen et al. (16) reported that A. oryzae produced a feruloyl esterase. Koseki et al. (17) revealed that A. oryzae possess two genes, AoFaeB and AoFaeC whose recombinant proteins display feruloyl esterase activities. The feruloyl esterase from Fusarium oxysporum, FAE-II, showed a trace activity for esterification of cinnamic acid in a n-hexane/1- propanol/water ternary system (18). Furthermore, it has been reported that a lipase from Candida antarctica can esterify FA using various alcohols (19,20). The results of these studies suggested that the formation of EF in rice koji might be due to esterification, a reverse reaction, of feruloyl esterase(s), whose activity is usually assayed for hydrolysis that might cause decomposition of EF to FA.
Properties of the rice koji enzyme Since primitive tests suggested a rice koji enzyme synthesized EF from FA and ethanol and also decomposed EF to FA, we examined the properties of the rice koji enzyme. In the sake and mirin mashes, rice koji enzyme(s) act together on the steamed rice grains under the different mash conditions, therefore, we examined individual enzymes in rice koji. All analysis of the properties of rice koji enzyme was done by using the crude rice koji extract.
As shown in Fig. 1, both activities for esterification and hydro- lysis were detected in the same fraction of the anion exchange chromatography. The ratio of the two activities was nearly equal in all fractions analyzed, and the activities showed only one high peak while it has been known that A. oryzae could produce at least three different feruloyl esterases (15). Under the assay conditions, the activity of AoFaeB and AoFaeC enzymes might be undetectable even if they existed in the rice koji extract because their optimum pH ranges were in neutral (6,7) and their activities on ferulate ester were far lower than these on p-coumarate or caffeate ester (17). In the former anion exchange chromatography analysis of A. oryzae culture filtrate, only one peak of feruloyl esterase activity had been observed as same as this study, though the former culture medium was not rice grains but wheat bran and distiller’s spent grain (16). We suggest that the EF forming activity might be due to an enzyme with feruloyl esterase activity which is involved in hydrolysis.
Substrate specificity for hydroxycinnamic acid methyl esters have been examined in the classification of microbial feruloyl es- terases (21). We examined methyl and ethyl esterification activity in hydroxycinnamic acids (Table 2). Our assay method was not as accurate as previously reported methods because the hydroxycin- namic acid esters were estimated using one calibration curve since they had similar absorption coefficients at 320 nm (22). Rice koji enzyme showed higher ethyl and methyl esterification activity for FA and sinapinic acid compared with p-coumaric acid and caffeic acid. This observation suggested that the main esterification enzyme had similar substrate specificity to type A feruloyl esterases (21) , such as AnFaeA (22) or AwFaeA (23), which prefer FA and sinapinic acid than p-coumaric acid or caffeic acid. The esterifica- tion activity for p-coumaric acid and caffeic acid needs to be examined using further purified enzymes to determine whether other enzymes prefer these substrates. The rice koji enzyme esterified n-propanol as well as methanol and ethanol, however, only ethyl esterification may be important in sake and mirin mashes because ethanol is the dominant component.
FIG. 1. Elution profile of rice koji enzyme activity using anion exchange chromatog- raphy. Enzymatic products were investigated using ESI-HR-MS on all fractions. Any fractions in which a distinct amount of product was found were re-analyzed by RP- HPLC. Symbols show the results of the RP-HPLC analysis.
FIG. 2. Effect of ethanol concentration on enzyme activities. Maximal value of the specific activity for hydrolysis at 4.8% ethanol was 9.9 0.6 fold higher compared with esterification at 19% ethanol. Values are means S.D. of two experiments.
Enzyme activities showed normal MichaeliseMenten kinetics. The Km value for FA in the esterification was 2.6 mM and the value for EF in the hydrolysis was 0.66 mM. The effect of ethanol con- centration is shown in Fig. 2. In the esterification, ethanol did not display MichaeliseMenten kinetics. The rate of esterification decreased when ethanol concentration was greater than 19%. The rate of hydrolysis was suppressed by ethanol, and the effect was greater at ethanol concentrations over 19%. The observed effects of ethanol concentration might affect the formation rate of EF in sake or mirin mash because the alcohol content differs between the sake and mirin mashes. Ethanol in the sake mash was gradually increased to 18%, while in the mirin mash ethanol levels started at 35% and decreased gradually to 15%, along with the digestion of steamed rice grains. The high ethanol content might promote for- mation of EF in the early stage of the mirin mash, and the low ethanol content may cause hydrolysis of EF.
Weak but distinct activities for esterification and hydrolysis were observed at 10◦C, and this may be effective for esterification in
the sake mash because the fermentation was usually performed below 15◦C. Maximum activity was observed at 50◦C (Fig. 3).
Optimum pH for esterification and hydrolysis was 4.0 and 5.0, respectively (Fig. 4). The ratio of both activities changed as the pH changed. Under low pH conditions, a higher ratio of esterification to hydrolysis was observed. The pH dependency may influentially affect the level of EF in sake and mirin mashes because the pH of sake mash is approximately 4.5 (24) while in mirin it ranges from 5.0 to 6.0 (1).
FIG. 3. Effect of temperature on enzyme activities. Maximal value of the specific activity for hydrolysis at 50◦C was 24.3 1.5 fold higher than the specific activity for esteri- fication at 50◦C. Values are means S.D. of two experiments.
FIG. 4. Effect of pH on enzyme activities. The pH was adjusted by 100 mM sodium citrate buffer. The ratio of esterification to hydrolysis was shown by % value of specific activity. Maximal value of the specific activity for hydrolysis at pH 5.0 was 15.7 2.7 fold higher than thespecific activity foresterificationat pH 4.0. Valuesare means S.D. ofthreeexperiments.
Digestion test of steamed rice grains with ethanol The influence of pH on EF levels in sake and mirin mashes was exam- ined using a model digestion test with exogenous ethanol. pH was adjusted using lactic acid. The adjusted pH conditions did not affect the digestibility of steamed rice grains or the liberation of FA in the mixture, however, clear differences in EF levels and the ratio of EF to FA were observed (Fig. 5). No differences in the levels of FA were observed; this may be due to the fact that xylanase activity, not feruloyl esterase activity, is the rate-determining factor in the liberation of FA from the cell wall xylan (17).
Small scale mirin making with pH adjustment
The effect of pH adjustment on EF levels observed in the preliminary digestion test was confirmed using a small scale mirin making assay with 31 maturation days. There was no clear difference in the levels of FA in either mash, as seen in the previous digestion test (Fig. 6a). pH adjustment from 6.5 to 5.0 on the 5th day led to high EF formation and levels were maintained to the end period (Fig. 6b). pH adjustment to 5.0 simulated sake mash. Our results suggested that the pH conditions of the mash might be the main reason for differing EF levels between sake and mirin. The decrease in EF levels in the mash before the 5th day might be due to a decrease in ethanol concentration which slows down the esterification reaction and speeds up hydrolysis.
In this study, we investigated the formation mechanism of EF in sake and mirin mash conditions. We found that EF was enzymati- cally produced from FA and ethanol in rice koji, meanwhile this phenomenon did not occur in sake yeast, in which chemical esterification was rare. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report on the contribution of enzymatic esterification of FA to EF by an A. oryzae rice koji enzyme in sake and mirin mash conditions. Differences in the esterification and hydrolysis prop- erties of the rice koji enzyme, especially different pH dependencies, and different behavior under high ethanol conditions, might explain why the charcoal-untreated sake had higher EF levels compared with mirin.
FIG. 5. Results of digestion test of steamed rice grains with ethanol. The scale of the vertical axis is mg/L for FA and EF, g/100 mL for extract, and (%) for ratio of FE to FA. NA means pH was not adjusted.
FIG. 6. Changes in the level of FA (a) and EF (b) in the small scale mirin making study, with pH adjustment. Arrows indicate the day of pH adjustment.
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